How do you like the Home Page of my website?
I love the colours – they make me happy and I feel optimistic! And I love the background picture!
When I was creating the website, I knew I wanted to use that picture… to me it’s like the epitome of “la dolce vita”.
This meant that my other colours had to coordinate, had to blend, had to complement the picture. When it came time to choose a colour for the banner, I played with a variety of soft pastels, tried to match different colours from the pic. They were good but I wasn’t quite satisfied.
I called up a friend and colleague and started running colour choices by her. She wasn’t quite satisfied either.
My grandson was curious about all the strange sounds coming from our conversation and came to look just as I flashed up my colour chart again. He’s 6 and has a great imagination. He pulled the boldest colour he could see on my colour chart and said “Use that one, Gramma!”
Needless to say, gales of laughter erupted from both myself and my friend as we tried it out and realized he had nailed it!
I love that shocking pink! It looks great with the picture and oozes Sass!
and I’m immensely proud of the fact that I had the Savvy to give a 6-year old’s suggestion a try!
That’s Success!!
Absolutely, Alice! They haven’t fallen prey to the brules yet, and I am working hard at being more open to my grandson’s view – there are a few non-negotiables, of course, like manners and respect – but to see the world through a 6-year old’s eyes is great!
Aren’t they the best? We should definitely spend more time listening to the young ones and learning from them. They still have that life pulsing so strongly in them and we need to a good dose of it to wake us up! Love the colours and the header by the way.