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“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).”      ~ Lewis Carroll

As further preparation for my course Sass & Savvy, I created a survey about respondents’ Life Satisfaction. You can check it out here:

After my initial demographic question, I asked if they were happy with their life.

Most respondents said “Yes”, some said “No”.

Both groups were asked the following questions:

  1. Is your family life fulfilling?
  2. Is your personal life fulfilling?
  3. Is your business/professional life where you hoped it would be at this age?
  4. Do you contribute time/money to a cause?
  5. Are you prepared for retirement psychologically?
  6. Are you prepared for retirement financially?


The curious thing is what happened next.

  • Is your family life fulfilling?

The Noes said No, but more than half the Yeses only responded “It’s okay”, as opposed to “Yes”

  • Is your personal life fulfilling?

The Noes said No, but more than half the Yeses only responded “It’s okay”, as opposed to “Yes”

  • Is your business/professional life where you hoped it would be at this age?

The Noes said No, but more than half the Yeses also responded “No”, as opposed to “Yes”

  • Do you contribute time/money to a cause?

The only person who said “No” to both was a “Yes” respondent

  • Are you prepared for retirement psychologically?

The Noes said No, but more than half the Yeses also responded “No” or “I’m not sure”, as opposed to “Yes”

  • Are you prepared for retirement financially?

The Noes said No, but most of the Yeses also responded “No”, as opposed to “Yes” or “I’m not sure”

The “Yeses” were also asked

  • Is there anything you would like to improve about your life as you enter your 60s and beyond?

Most of them said “Yes”

The “Noes” were also asked

  • Are there parts of your life you would “do over” if you could?

The answers here all addressed relationship regrets.

The last question the “Yeses” were asked is

  • Have you always been a happy person or have you worked at having a positive outlook.?

Almost 100% said they had always been that way.

I found the results most interesting because of the sameness of the responses between the “Yes to Happy” and the “No to Happy” people. Despite the fact that they were answering the same way, the two groups still viewed their overall Happy-ness differently.
Given the fact that the “regrets” were relationship based, did the “No” respondents lose their Happy-ness over the years?

“Curiouser and Curiouser.”

As we enter and continue our 60s, the noticeable trait for me is the general “unpreparedness” for retirement many people perceive. I’m taking it on myself to address that!

If you are a woman interested in keeping in touch with what’s happening in my 50+ community, wander over to my page

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My “Sass & Savvy” course will be launching in the New Year, you’ll be one of the first to hear the details!