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You may or may not have figured out that “Sass” is a mainstay in my life.

Sass in a fun way, of course! No lip, no smart ass, I’ve even left the self-deprecating humour behind.

Sass as in quick responses, exaggerated body movements (when appropriate) and assertive appreciation of unusual skills.

Here are some examples:

  • An elderly woman was manouevering her walker down an aisle in the supermarket recently, gingerly easing by a number of displays that made everyone’s passage difficult. She was old enough that she had probably relinquished her driver’s license quite some time ago. I stepped aside and waved her by, admiring her skill out loud and asking if I could come to her for coaching when I needed a walker. She beamed!
  • A coach of mine and his tech assistant had flooded my email and my social media with reminders about a webinar he was holding. I wrote it in my daytimer. A few hours later, my email and my social media were flooded with changes to the date. I crossed out the first note and wrote the new date in my daytimer. A very short time later, the flood came again changing back to the original date but a new time. As I crossed out the second entry and wrote a briefer note at the new time, I knew I had to go onto social media and tell the rest of my group that I was selling pencils, cheap, if anyone else needed one!


Sass has been a part of my life for so long that some of my responses and reactions are almost automatic. This is why, when I was beaten to the punch the other day, I was stunned and had to laugh uproariously.

Here’s a common occurrence in my life: my dog (you met her last post) has distinctive eyes and loves everyone who looks sideways at her. Anywhere we go someone is sure to comment on how beautiful (or cute) she is. They rarely talk to me, they talk to her like she can understand. Being the only one of the two of us who speaks English, I usually smile sweetly and ask if they are talking to the dog or me. Reactions are all over the map and, honestly, I sometimes judge people by their response. I love the young people who can look me in the eye and say “Oh! Both of you!” without missing a beat. I quietly roll my eyes at the people who look at me quite disgustedly for being so bold – or perhaps they are stunned that I might suggest they are so bold.

The other day, I was standing on the sidewalk chatting with a street vendor with Nox sitting beside my leg. I am so attuned to her friendliness (and the fact that not all people like dogs), that when I felt her starting to move I glanced around for the incoming. Sure enough, a mid-age man dressed in tradesman’s clothes was moving in on her. Two big gnarly hands rubbed her ears affectionately and he boomed “You are beautiful!!” I hadn’t even inhaled to spout my comeback when he looked at me and said, “You are beautiful too!” I burst out laughing and said “Hey! That’s my line!” as he winked boldly and walked on.

My pleasure was twofold: the immediate hilarity was the fact that my rapid-fire comeback had been left in the dust, and then I loved the fact that someone else shared their Sass so generously.

Not often I am beaten to the punch so, whoever you are… Thank you! You made my day!