I like who I am.
I feel like my life is in good balance.
Life's successes are not only about job promotions and big houses. Successes include completing a crossword puzzle and finding a great parking spot - do you celebrate them all?
I celebrate my successes.
"New" can be job related or something fun - it all counts!
I learn or do something new a few times each year.
I have a positive, optimistic view of my future.
I have a clear vision of where I'm going & I have purpose in my life.
I laugh joyfully and often.
I feel I express my creativity.
I have hobbies that I enjoy regularly.
I have a rewarding life outside of work.
"Special" can be as simple as a manicure or more extravagant like a vacation. It's all about doing nice things for yourself.
I do something special for myself several times each year.
I generally enjoy life and feel happy.
I never feel remorse or regret because I'm able to move on from things.
I enjoy going to work.
I have clear career/business goals.
I feel healthy and have lots of energy.
I have a healthy lifestyle (Food, Activity, Water, Sleep)
I don't let Stress get to me.
Dealing with stress in a "healthy manner" means using exercise, breathing, meditation etc. - you do not use food, sleep, shopping, tv/internet, or alcohol or other substances to deal with it.
If I have stress I deal with it in a healthy manner.
I am happy and relaxed in my home.
I am happy with my relationship status.
I am happy with my social life
I have family and/or friends I can call on at any time.
I contribute on a community or global level with my time or my money.
I am comfortable with my financial situation.