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Sassitudes & Savvitudes

Imagine having a positive, optimistic quote arrive in your mailbox daily!
Sassitudes & Savvytudes are inspirational, motivational, will make you laugh, will make you think.



Sassy is in the best sense of the word. Whether it’s making googly-eyes at the inquisitive face of a three year old in the grocery store line-up, or flirty-eyes at the 32-year old bartender who’s extra generous with the red wine when you sit at the bar with your galfriends, or feigning coy dismay at the cheeky advances of your 92-year-old neighbour… your sass-factor is what keeps you fun, and young, and open to adventure. Too many of us have lost touch with Sass over the years!


Savvy refers to all the knowledge you have stored between your ears. Believe-you-me, there is more than you realize… certainly more than you give yourself credit for. Whether it’s the insight that tells you Christmas will be stressful if your brother’s there or the certainty that you can set up anyone’s entertainment centre, the confidence that you make the world’s best carrot cake or the sheer volume of books you’ve inhaled over the years, you have an incredible amount of savvy in your life. I bet money you don’t have a clue just how prepared for life’s hurdles you are… if you hadn’t spent so much time obeying the brules (those bullshit rules we all grew up with!)


Successful is what you deserve to be. Seriously. You’ve paid your dues, you’ve played by the rules, you’re a nice person… you deserve to be successful. There may be a truckload of reasons, or excuses, or justifications why you aren’t living your life the way you’d hoped, why you don’t have the success you thought would come your way… but get prepared to park that truck at the gate because you’re not bringing it into my yard! We’re building Camelot here – each of us architect to our own vision – but I’m in charge of the foundation and all ‘reasons, excuses, and justifications’ are going to the landfill, getting ploughed under, and left to expire. Successful is what you will be if you’ll trust us both and be accountable on this journey.
You are, you were, or you wanna be a Sassy Savvy Successful woman? You’ve got retirement either in the cross-hairs or the rear view… but you’re not at all retiring? We’d love to have you join our Facebook group!
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In 1971, 1st year university, I bought Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking”.
I never read it.
What a poor choice that was!
The power of thinking is the single most important determiner in our lives.
Crap can go down; wonderful things can enter our space; a whole spectrum of people can come and go throughout our lives, and at the end of the day it’s all about how we “think” about those events that will determine our happiness levels, our success levels and our self-image.
If we view events and people in a negative light, we can become sour, distrustful, and disillusioned.
If we view events and people in a positive light, we can be hopeful, happier, and more trusting.
There are a ton of studies that prove this.
By the time we’re over 50, most of our standard reactions are quite firmly and automatically entrenched. Our friends and family can fairly accurately predict how we will respond to things, how we will view everything from the weather and politics to news of a friend’s windfall or demise.
~ Why do some people complain about the weather while others simply dress appropriately and get on with their day?
~ Why do some people get excited over another’s good fortune while some people grumble about silver spoons?
~ Why do some people look at the wealthy and commend them for their hard work and generosity while others snark about shysters and illegal activities?
In a word: Conditioning.
Yes, Conditioning – it really is as simple as that.
Growing up, your input came from parents, other family, and neighbours; from teachers, community leaders or church officials, and even from what you saw on TV.
The messaging may have been pretty straightforward or it might have been more subliminal, packaged in vague terms and innuendo.
Your young brain took it all in, however, and the views you heard became your outlook on life and the interpretation that would filter all the events of your youth and early adulthood.
By the time you were independent of these early influences, your brain and your heart were molded—the die, shall we say, was cast!
I won’t belabour this because there’s good news! It’s not your fault, and you can change!

Ya gotta wanna, though!

Sassy Savvy Successful Women is all about Re-Discovering your Sass-Factor; Acknowledging your Savvy, and Creating the Success-Full Life you deserve!

I recommend you set a baseline by taking The Happy-ness Quiz:

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Whether you write about life as a woman or compose light-hearted fiction for women, we’re interested.
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