Articles should be appropriate for the nature of this website:
Sassy – means articles that are fun, uplifting and positive.
Savvy – means reflection on how far we’ve come and how much great knowledge we have in our arsenal.
Successful – means appreciation for how much we really have in our life, whether friends, family, special belongings, great career (by nature not by income).
About you:
>> Perhaps you have a business and believe this may be a way to get your voice in front of a new audience – you will grow with us.
>>You don’t have a business but enjoy writing – this will provide you with an audience and you will get used to having your name seen “on the web” – perhaps a business will grow out of your writing, perhaps you’ll enjoy merely putting your words “on paper”.
Articles that share fabulous people in your life are accepted as long as no identifying information is used.
Personal articles will be accepted as long as they have a broad message that women can identify with.
Articles should not be negative, depressing, complaining. -Bashing will not be accepted, whether it’s male-, political-, ethnic-, career-, or person-, etc.
Articles should be a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 900 words. More or less need approval.
If you’re interested in seeing your article posted on this site, please send a sample of your writing and a short bio to, Subject: Guest Writing. Please include a link to your online presence: website, social media account, other online presence.
If accepted as a guest writer, you agree:
1. Your article is original and has not been posted elsewhere on the internet.
2. You will not republish your article within 2 weeks after it is published on SassySavvySuccessful.
3. All references will be appropriately cited.
4. All links will be reviewed and approved at the sole discretion of SassySavvySuccessful.
5. All articles with links other than your own website link will contain a postscript that “SassySavvySuccessful takes no responsibility for the link used in this article.”
6. You will not receive any compensation for your submission.
7. SassySavvySuccessful reserves the right to make minor edits and add still media to articles before publishing.
8. SassySavvySuccessful reserves the right to reject any article it feels is not a good fit for this site.
9. To all the Terms and Conditions included herein.
There you go!! Hopefully that’s pretty straightforward, and standard T&C.
I look forward to hearing from you!