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In my last post Are You On Guru Overload, Part 1, I talked about the fact that, if you are trying to accommodate changes in your life that you really don’t like, it doesn’t matter how advantageous they are made to appear, they aren’t going to work for you. Or at least, you aren’t going to stick with them.

There is another type of guru overload that I want to discuss today.

As I mentioned in my previous post it’s possible to find an expert in just about everything you might want to find an expert in. That’s the power of the internet.

The other power of the internet is that you can find many experts in just about anything you might need an expert in. Too many.

I’m not going to try and tell you how to determine which experts are best suited to you. That’s up to you whether it’s testimonials, appearance, or numerology. Or whatever.

What I do seriously suggest is to pick a horse and ride it. What I mean by that is choose an expert, a guru, and follow them. You should do your due diligence, of course, and this doesn’t have to be forever – perhaps you learn everything you need and then check out someone else; perhaps after a time you find yourself not really agreeing with something; perhaps you’ve become friends and you need to find someone with professional distance – there are a ton of reasons why you might not stay with a guru forever.

If you try to follow too many experts, it’s rare that you will become very well-rounded and find yourself an expert to the experts.

What happens when the experts provide conflicting theories or evidence? What do you do when their retreat weekends are the same weekends? What do you when advanced training from all of them starts getting really expensive?

I believe that by finding an expert that fills the necessary criteria for you right now, learning as much as you can with an open mind, then moving on to another professional in the same or a related field, then you can become well-rounded.

Needless to say, this advice goes for every leader you have except me. You should stay with me forever, and we can grow old together!

Be sassy, savvy, successful and old together…. Sounds like a great idea!